Revealed: The principle behind a lava lamp!

Home » Revealed: The principle behind a lava lamp!

The lava lamp was the most popular decoration in the 1960s. Its unique colors, unpredictable shapes, and slow movement deeply attracted the audience!

This great magic is all thanks to his light bulb! We’ll delve into the secrets behind the lava lamp’s bulb and how it came to be this marvel.

How is heat generated?

The main purpose of the bulb in a lava lamp is to generate heat. The wax at the bottom is heated by the heat generated, causing it to rise to the top. After it cools down, it falls again, forming convection.

The greater the heat, the faster this exercise will run; the smaller the heat, the slower it will run.

Incandescence and Warmth:

Incandescent lamps are perfect because they not only generate heat but also emit light. It not only promotes the flow of liquid in the lava lamp, but also illuminates the inside, which increases the beauty of the lamp.

Color and atmosphere:

The color of the light emitted by the bulb will affect the overall appearance of the lava lamp. Therefore, lava lamp bulbs are most suitable to be used with soft and warm light bulbs, which can create a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Bulb size and shape:

The size and shape of the bulb also play a very important role in the heat distribution of the lava lamp. A properly installed bulb distributes heat evenly and promotes consistent wax flow. If the size and shape of the lava lamp bulbs vary too much, the performance of the lava lamp can be very poor.

Can LEDs replace incandescent lamps?

No, because the traditional white woven lamp not only emits light but also generates heat. If you replace it with an LED lamp, it will only have light but no heat. This will not be able to drive the flow of magma, which will result in poor performance.